Vienna is not only a tourist city but a gateway to the business and cultural world.
During Advent, Vienna shows its most beautiful side, fabulously decked out and decorated.

This pleasant and extraordinary Christmas atmosphere, combined with the authentic rooms of the imperial residence Hofburg, forms the background for our annual meeting for the fourth time.

Venue for your back to the future!

The Zeremoniensaal - Convention

The Zeremoniensaal is located within the Hofburg complex. Formerly the imperial residence for centuries, today it is the premiere venue for congresses and conventions, fairs and exhibitions – as well as banquets, balls and concerts. Every year, the 300 events hosted here draw approximately 320,000 guests from every point on the globe into the congress centre.

Photo copyright: BMIA-A. Tuma

The Imperial Court Chapel - Concert

The Imperial Court Chapel in the center of the Hofburg – can be regarded as the Vienna Boys Choir home, even though it has also been invited to perform at various festivals and concert halls. For those who haven’t heard this, the Vienna Boys Choir celebrates 525 years of jubilee this year.

Photo copyright: Andy Wenzel/BKA